Low Cost Clinics
Clinics offering free* and low cost services
- Animal Protection League of NJ Statewide Low Cost Listings
- People for Animals 1001 North High Street, Millville NJ 856-243-5211. Clinic days are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Visit website for pricing and services. Wellness visits may require appointments. Please contact the clinic to arrange an appointment.
- PAWS (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society) 2900 Grays Ferry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19146 215-298-9680. Check website for clinic details. - Providence Animal Center 555 Sandy Bank Rd, Media PA. Call or Text 610-566-1370
- The Spayed Club Clinic 930 MacDade Blvd, Collingdale PA. 484-540-8436 Visit website for clinic days, times and fees.
- SpayNJ Clinics throughout NJ
*NJ Residents MAY be eligible for state subsidized spay / neuter services at specific veterinarians and clinic locations. See the NJ Department of Health Website for program details.
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