Don’t feed your pet people food. Many people know that chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats, but there are many other foods that are dangerous to them as well including grapes, onions, some nuts, caffeine. Sugar free items are particularly toxic due to the artificial sweeteners used in their production.
Don’t leave candles or a lit fireplace unattended. Wagging tails, curious kitties (or even toddlers) can knock over a lit candle in no time. Sparks from wood burning fireplaces can travel several feet igniting drapes or upholstery.
Christmas trees and pretty packages can be very appealing to kids and pets alike. Tinsel and ribbons look like toys to cats but can cause life threatening intestinal blockages is they are eaten. Many of the scented sprays or fake snow products used on artificial trees can cause allergic reactions if inhaled or eaten.
If you have a live Christmas tree, make sure you have a covered water reservoir. Tree preservatives and the sap from the cut trunk can be toxic if licked by your dog or cat. And always make sure the tree is secured so that it won’t topple over if curious cats try to climb it.
Holiday wreaths and dried flowers might be sprayed with preservatives so make sure that they are out of reach and can’t be chewed by your cat or dog.
If you have visitors or host parties over the holidays make sure your pets have a safe, quiet place to escape to. Ideally they should have a separate room with a door and access to water, a litter box, their favorite bedding and a few toys. The last thing you want is your pet to get stressed out and potentially escape through an open door while people are coming and going.
Remember that like the 4th of July, New Years fireworks are scary for your pets. Never take your pets to fireworks displays and make sure that they are in a safe and secure place before any personal fireworks or other noisemakers are used outside.