6 Foods You May Not Know Are Hurting Your Bunny – And 6 Healthier Alternatives

1. Corn

What could be bad about corn? It’s a vegetable after all! You might guess that the problem with corn stems from starch — but although starches are not the best for bunny, the real problem with corn in a bunnies digestive tract stems from the hull surrounding the kernel. The hull is composed of complex polysaccharide which rabbits cannot digest. These indigestible hulls can cause impaction in the intestinal tract which can quickly lead to not successfully treated immediately.

Better alternative: If you’re looking to add some variety to your rabbit’s salad, consider rabbit safe options such as carrots, bell pepper, squash, or celery. Just remember: these things are still all TREATS and should be given very sparingly to your bun!

2. Iceberg Lettuce

It seems like very common knowledge – feed your rabbit lots of leafy greens including lettuce! However, iceberg lettuce has been deemed “not fit for buns” for a few reasons. Both reasons stem from the amount of water concentrated in iceberg lettuce. One – iceberg lettuce has next to nothing in nutrient content. This encourages your rabbit to fill up on dead substance which can lead them away from them eating other more nutritious foods available in their diet. Two – iceberg lettuce is the lettuce with the most concentration of water. Grown conventionally, this also means the lettuce is MUCH more concentrated with pesticides and fertilizers. The amount of pesticides and fertilizers found in iceberg lettuce have been known to be harmful to rabbits when ingested in large amounts, so best stay away!

Better alternative: There are a bunch of other substitutes when it comes to filling your rabbits diet with healthy leafy greens – spring mix, herbs, romaine lettuce, kale, and endive. For more options – check out our awesome comprehensive list of acceptable leafy greens here!

3. Yogurt Drops (and anything else containing dairy!)

Just because it’s sold in a pet store DOES NOT mean it’s okay to feed your bunny. Pet stores and companies are out for money which typically means there isn’t always a good amount of research put into creating healthy treats before they are distributed. Yogurt drops should NEVER be given to your rabbit. Not only do they contain too much sugar that can lead to tooth decay, but they are also made with dairy products, an ingredient your rabbit (once again) cannot digest.

Better alternative: Some healthier treat alternatives to yogurt drops and other unhealthy pet store treats would be Craisins, Nibble Rings, or even small pieces of fruit that are let over from your own daily intake. BE SAFE – treats (especially fruits or anything else containing sugar) should be given in very small amounts so stick to the daily limit when adding these tasty additions to your rabbits diet.

4. Banana Peels

Bunnies are notorious for LOVING bananas. But shy away when your bunny is begging for that one last bite and all you have left is the peel. The peel of a banana is often HEAVILY sprayed with pesticides while growing. These pesticides become concentrated in the peel of the banana and have the possibility of actually making your rabbit sick if too much peel is ingested.

Better alternative: Rather than giving your bunny the peel – let him take a bite right out of the fruit of the banana before you are started OR finished. Remember, rabbits should only have 1 teaspoon of treats per 2 pounds of bunny each day, so you don’t have to sacrifice much by letting him have his daily allowance!

5. Apple Seeds

Apple seeds contain small traces of the lethal poison cyanide that can be poisonous to rabbits. Although small amounts might be okay for your rabbit to ingest – why risk it?

Better alternative: Stick to the actual fruit of the apple or try giving a variety of berries (such as strawberries or blueberries) instead. With only 1 teaspoon allocated per 2 lbs of bun a day – why bother feeding the furbabies toxic parts anyways? Give him something healthier!

6. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are nearly impossible for the rabbit digestive tract to successfully digest. Seeds contain hulls (similar to corn) that are impossible for a bunny digestive tract to digest. Plus, both are extremely high in both starches and sugars – and therefore can have very adverse affects on the digestive tract of your rabbit. Both have been linked to serious GI issues when ingested, even in small amounts.

Better alternative: Most people use nuts or seeds as “treats” for their rabbits — and sometimes pet store rabbit food even contains nuts or seeds! For rabbit food, consider vet-approved brands such as Oxbow. For treat alternatives, they don’t always have to be fruits – some other ways to treat your bunny including giving him a new choice of hay for a day or simply using his normal (nut and seed free pellets) as small treats throughout the day also!


Read the original article and other helpful information on rabbit care at http://www.wheekwheekthump.com/2013/07/30/6-foods-you-may-not-know-are-hurting-your-bunny-and-6-healthier-alternatives/

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